A critical component of addressing logistics challenges is building trucking dispatch software

Navdeep Garg


Al Pacino, in his role as Jimmy Hoffa, said that trucking is an extremely important industry for nearly all businesses in the US.

The day our trucks stop, America stops. Food, clothing, medicine, fuel for homes, and industry got to you via truck.

Over $273.2 billion is the value of the truckload industry, based on IBIS Worlds data. A total of 570,921 Long-Distance Freight Trucking businesses exist in the US alone, a 4.5% increase since 2022. The General Freight Trucking industry is expected to employ 1,385,716 people in the US by 2023, a faster growth rate than the economy as a whole.

Trucking, a predominant mode of freight delivery, is a huge and complex system involving countless operations, as indicated by all these statistics. To streamline trucking operations and monitor truck routes, logistics companies are increasingly turning to digital solutions like ‘trucking dispatch software’.

It’s time to dig deeper into the essence of transport dispatch software so that we can learn how truck dispatch software can help solve logistics challenges and bring benefits to businesses.


Software for truck dispatching in the logistics sector has a key role to play

Dispatch software for trucking is a revolution in the logistics industry. It is an essential tool for transportation management and cargo delivery because it automates and streamlines all essential processes.

Through automation and streamlining critical tasks, improved communication and coordination, and real-time data, it helps solve logistics challenges. By automating processes such as load matching, route planning, and driver assignment, the software can reduce operational inefficiencies, minimize human error, and improve overall productivity.

In addition, the software can provide real-time updates on vehicle locations, delivery status, and delivery schedules to increase visibility and transparency, allowing logistics companies to respond to any issues quickly and make more informed decisions. As a result, customer satisfaction is increased, safety is improved, and costs are reduced.

You will be able to improve overall delivery experiences and continue to expand your company’s reputation.

Logistics companies face five major challenges

There are around 72.2% of all goods transported in the US that are moved by truck, according to the American Trucking Association. As a result of this massive accountability, logistics companies face a number of challenges every day. We will take a look at some of the most common logistics challenges below:


1. Troubleshooting adversity

Several factors are taken into account when determining the most efficient delivery routes, including product type, traffic conditions, delivery stops, etc. When adverse weather conditions or blocked roads occur, manual routing cannot anticipate them, resulting in longer routes and delayed deliveries.

When delivering to multiple locations in one trip or managing a high volume of orders, companies need to invest in modern trucking dispatch software that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to provide drivers with safe and optimal routes. By using these solutions, you can anticipate and stay on top of unforeseen emergencies by using dynamic routing options.

2. Stakeholder disconnect

Managing, dispatching, and communicating effectively with delivery drivers is crucial to success in logistics. For dispatchers and third-party logistics (3PL) partners who are not part of the internal team, this can be challenging. Transparency and efficiency can be compromised if order allotment, delivery tracking, and real-time communication are not synchronized, negatively affecting delivery.

This problem can be solved with dispatch software, which connects shippers’ dispatching software with 3PL systems, allowing all stakeholders to communicate and clarify key delivery metrics. It increases efficiency and transparency by ensuring a seamless connection between all parties.

3. Constrained delivery times

If a retailer fails to deliver a product on time, an increasing number of consumers will not order from them again. In addition, logistics companies face an increasing race against time in sorting, labeling, processing, and assigning packages for delivery to drivers due to the growing demand for ‘instant delivery’ and ‘same-day delivery’.

In order to meet these demands, companies are integrating intuitive trucking dispatch systems into the logistics chain to increase delivery speed. In addition to increasing productivity and allowing dispatchers to plan routes with multiple stops to complete time-bound deliveries, these solutions analyze real-time data and assign tasks to available drivers automatically.

4. Customers who are outside the loop

To proactively inform every customer about their delivery status in a manual dispatch system is a hard nut to crack. A lack of adequate information and transparency may make customers feel uncomfortable and distrustful. It results in a high number of question calls for the customer handling team.

Alternatively, trucking dispatch software for logistics allows companies to link customers into the communication chain, allowing drivers and customers to communicate directly. Customers are more likely to remain loyal and have a better experience as a result of increased transparency in the business process.

5. Automation is lacking

Manual trucking dispatch typically involves whiteboard planning, a large logistics staff pool, and multiple phone calls between drivers and dispatchers. Moreover, driver and consignment allocations are handled manually. Tracking operations manually can be mundane and error-prone.

In contrast, businesses can automate logistics dispatching with dispatch software for trucking, while reserving their human resources for more important tasks by leveraging automation.


Software for transportation dispatching: Top 8 Features

It appears that dispatch software development is the best option when it comes to dealing with logistics challenges. But before you invest in this digital solution, let us examine some essential features that should be incorporated into your trucking dispatch software for logistics.


1. Organizing

Having full visibility of the available trucks and their loading capacities is crucial for dispatch software for trucking to make managing pick-ups and drops-offs easy.

In addition, the software routes order cancellations and last-minute orders seamlessly without affecting delivery timelines. Moreover, it automatically transfers orders to other available drivers in case of mishaps or breakdowns.

2. Sorting packages automatically

A trucking dispatch software solution eliminates the need to manually sort packages and assign them to drivers. By automating the delivery package sorting process, stakeholders save a lot of valuable time. The dispatch software will assign delivery packages to drivers based on their size, weight, and destination.

3. Tracking with GPS


GPS tracking and mapping software enables dispatchers to provide real-time route optimization updates to their drivers. This helps them improve their delivery efficiency and save time and fuel.

In addition to tracking loads, dispatchers can also gain insights into a variety of statistics, including how many deliveries are made per day, where trucks are located, what drivers’ performance is, etc.

4. An interactive tracking system in real-time

From the start to the end of the delivery process, dispatch trucking software lets employees track and manage freight movements. The dispatch system uses IoT technology to provide a 360-degree view of fleet management, providing real-time information to customers and dispatchers about the location of packages, their delivery status, and their estimated delivery times. As a result of a dispatch platform, customers are able to track their packages and stay up-to-date on their arrival dates. Customers are more likely to be retained, loyal, and satisfied if they are involved in the transportation journey.

5. Getting Notified Automatically

Customer and dispatcher notifications are sent automatically when a package is dispatched via the cutting-edge dispatching software. They receive detailed information about their delivery status, tracking information, expected delivery date, and driver information as well. The customer and dispatcher are automatically notified if the delivery time and process change, resulting in a better customer experience.

6. Invoice digitally

Customers can use contactless payment gateways to make online payments for their deliveries through dispatch trucking software, which allows companies to issue digital billing and invoices. Using a digital billing process saves time, resources, and effort, improving the efficiency of the entire invoicing process.

7. Reporting and Analytics

In order to increase performance, dispatchers need to be able to visualize data about delivery times, driver performance, and customer satisfaction. Moreover, it helps drivers save time and fuel while assisting customers in receiving their products faster. This data helps dispatchers figure out which areas of the supply chain need improvement.

8. Optimizing routes

An integral part of dispatch software for trucking is route optimization, which aids logistics managers in increasing truck travel efficiency. During the journey, drivers can add breaks to eat food and rest during which they can set vital information such as the starting point, the destination, the expected travel time, and the suggested duration for each stop. Drivers can travel the fastest and safest path to their destination with this AI-enabled dispatch software.

Dispatch software for trucking has 6 major benefits for logistics

It is not just about improving the delivery experience when truck dispatcher software is customized with all the integral features. Investing in this digital solution can result in significant cost-cutting, route automation and automated operations for logistics companies. Here are some of the most compelling advantages of trucking dispatch software for logistics:


1. Visibility and communication improvements

By providing customers with package status information, truck dispatch software enhances customer satisfaction by enabling all logistics members to stay in touch throughout the delivery process.

2. Efficient and scalable

You can perform unlimited deliveries, communicate with unlimited carriers, and assign unlimited jobs with the trucking dispatch platform. You can scale your operations at any time.

3. The service provided to customers has been improved

It enhances customer service and satisfaction by allowing them to receive updates on their mobile devices, connect with drivers, and report problems on the fly.

4. Delivery on time

By allocating jobs appropriately, auto-routing, planning routes strategically, and tracking carriers, advanced dispatch platforms help companies provide timely deliveries for their customers. Auto-routing helps dispatchers, drivers, and customers conserve time.

5. Routing based on dynamic conditions

The most obvious benefit of a truck dispatch system is dynamic routing, which keeps delivery drivers, dispatchers, and customers informed about their delivery locations. Last-mile delivery systems are optimized by intelligent automation, which keeps drivers informed even when they have multiple stops.

6. Automating the entire process and reducing costs

With the truck dispatching system, companies can save labor, cut wages, and reduce costs, freeing up their resources from logistical management tasks. You can plan your budget wisely and avoid unnecessary expenses by incorporating an automation system, which reduces the risk of human error. It will help you save money and avoid unnecessary expenditures.

How Should You Choose Dispatch Software for Your Business?

Logistics companies need truck dispatch software/apps to improve driver performance, customer satisfaction, and business growth. Companies need to decide whether to use off-the-shelf or custom trucking dispatch software when considering a modern dispatch system.

Let’s see if both variants are applicable.

Out-of-the-box software

Small businesses may find that off-the-shelf dispatch solutions are appropriate when they have a small number of processes and have limited goals.


  • The first reason is that readymade software, also known as off-the-shelf software, is easy to hack because it doesn’t guarantee high levels of security.
  • As for customer support, it is limited, so certain questions may not be answered due to the system’s inactive capabilities.
  • The off-the-shelf software is not compatible with the unique processes, so you’ll need a customized one to meet those demands as you move forward with the advanced trend.

Software that customizes truck dispatching

Logistics companies that keep a broad approach to solving their problems and are far-sighted will find customized software to be the best choice. The cost of a customized solution may be higher than that of an off-the-shelf solution, but it is definitely worth it.

  • It is fully customizable. You can be a part of the development process, interact with the developers, adjust the solution as needed, and be involved throughout the development process.
  • Your company is more likely to stay protected from data breaches and information leaks when you use custom dispatch software.

In addition to fleet management software, transport management system, and warehouse platform integration, you can also use the custom dispatch software at multiple logistics platform platforms.

You Can Operate Your Logistics More Efficiently With Revinfotech

The Revinfotech Logistics software development company has created a wide range of industry-leading software products. With our skilled IT experts, you can create trucking dispatch software that is fully customizable for Android and iOS, so your operations can be scaled over time. A single platform offers timely deliveries, dynamic routing, multiple-drop deliveries, automated processes, real-time route optimization, e-tickets, and much more.

The Revinfotech team will work with you to ensure that your custom dispatching software concept is implemented properly.

In order to better understand Revinfotech logistics expertise, let’s give you some more details.

An experienced outsourcing IT provider, Revinfotech develops software and applications for a wide range of industries, including logistics and transportation. We help startups, SMBs, and enterprises improve their modus operandi and win over the competition with our customized solutions. Several market leaders are featured in our portfolio.

We can provide the following benefits to you as a partner:

  • Integrate and scale your business workflows seamlessly with full-featured digital platforms.
  • Systemic solutions for streamlining operations on different segments of the supply chain, including transportation management systems (TMS), logistics management systems (LMS), warehouse management systems (WMS), supply chain management technology (SCM), and truck dispatch software (TDS).
  • Professional advice on all logistics-related questions from accredited professionals.
  • The development of on-demand logistics apps – the modernization of legacy systems, development of new digital solutions, and updating existing ones.
  • A certified and agile-minded team of IT professionals provides testing, after-release support, and maintenance services.

If you want to expand your operations by building your own trucking dispatch software, then you are just a step away from bringing your imagination to life. You can create fully customizable dispatch software solutions based on your needs if you contact our skilled personnel today.

Let’s work together to transform your business and achieve new heights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our testing processes place a high priority on data security. To ensure the security of sensitive information, we adhere to a number of protocols, including the anonymization, encryption, and control of access to data. During testing, we use secure environments and data that mimic real-world scenarios without exposing sensitive information. We adhere to best practices for data protection and comply with industry standards and regulations including GDPR and HIPAA. As part of our security testing process, we employ a variety of tools and methodologies to identify and rectify security vulnerabilities.

To ensure the quality and reliability of your software solutions, we employ a comprehensive range of testing methodologies and cutting-edge tools. Our testing approach includes:

  • Manual Testing: We use structured test cases to identify usability, functionality, and design issues.
  • Automated Testing: Automated testing streamlines processes, improves efficiency, and ensures consistency.
  • Unit Testing: JUnit, NUnit, and PyUnit are unit testing frameworks we use to validate the functionality of code units.
  • Integration Testing: We verify the seamless interaction of various system components using tools such as Selenium, Appium, and Postman.
  • Performance Testing: To assess system responsiveness and scalability, we employ tools like JMeter, LoadRunner, and Gatling.
  • Security Testing: Our security testing includes vulnerability assessments and penetration testing using tools like OWASP ZAP and Nessus.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): We collaborate closely with your team to ensure that the software aligns with your end-users’ expectations.

You can count on us to improve the visibility of your website on search engines by using our SEO services. On-page and technical SEO best practices are implemented by our team, content is optimized, and search engine optimization strategies are provided to improve the search engine rankings of your website.

We adhere rigorously to project timelines and deadlines at our software development company. To ensure on-time delivery, we use meticulous project management, agile methodologies, and clear communication. Depending on the scope, complexity, and your specific requirements, we conduct a comprehensive analysis and planning phase. Our project managers then track progress continuously using agile frameworks. We maintain regular status updates and transparent communication channels. Whenever changes need to be made, we let you know promptly while keeping you updated.

We specialize in a wide range of technologies and programming languages, including but not limited to Blockchain, .Net, JavaScript, C#, Ruby, PHP, Wordpress. Our expertise covers web development frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, as well as mobile app development for React Native, Flutter, iOS and Android. We also have experience with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, and are proficient in database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and more. Additionally, we are well-versed in DevOps tools and practices to ensure seamless deployment and ongoing maintenance of the software we develop.

Our company offers a wide range of development services, including:

  • Web Development: We specialize in creating custom websites, web applications, e-commerce platforms, and content management systems.
  • Mobile App Development: We develop mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms, from concept to deployment.
  • Software Development: Our software development services cover desktop applications, business software, and cloud-based solutions.
  • Blockchain Development: We have expertise in blockchain technology, including smart contract development and decentralized application (DApp) creation.
  • IoT Development: Our Internet of Things (IoT) development services encompass connecting physical devices to the digital world.

Navdeep Garg
Article written by

Navdeep Garg

I'm founder and CEO of Revinfotech Inc. I traits in leadership and brilliant practitioner in the Financial Services and FinTech. I helped ban in connecting to the FinTech ecosystem through payment acceptance in blockchain as a service and even help i... read more

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